Communication Dojo
Coaching for private or organizational clients
Call Newt at 415 694 8798 or email newt@communicationdojo.com to discuss communication coaching
Individual Coaching:
Become more effective at discussing sensitive topics without contributing to conflict
Develop greater capability and resilience in the face of communication you do not enjoy, e.g. blame, judgment, criticism and demands from others
Grow your ability to resolve conflicts with others
Resolve inner conflict or get “unstuck” when trying to make a tough decision
Get clarity on your plans, goals and dreams – and move forward with them
Pair Coaching and Conflict Coaching:
​It's often useful to get coaching with another person with whom you're finding communication difficult or painful, or with whom you are in conflict.
Sometimes, however, the strong emotions that occur in conflict make it very difficult to make immediate use of pair coaching. It's difficult to learn and practice new approaches to communication if most of your energy is going into managing your emotions, defending yourself against perceived attacks, trying to "win the battle," or even just "surviving."
When pair coaching is not immediately viable, I work individually with my clients on "Self-Connection" and "Transforming Enemy Images." This individual coaching can help you make internal shifts so that pair coaching becomes feasible and valuable. Alternatively we sometimes find that individual coaching actually removes the need for pair coaching.
Newt is amazing.
I had a situation where I was trying to get someone to do something. I thought I knew that this was the best thing for them, and I contacted Newt to help me figure out a way to convince them of it.
He didn’t really mention Non-Violent Communication by name, just gave me some really simple tools and steps for empathizing and communicating.
Those tools were my only threads of sanity during a tough time, and through them I was able to understand and articulate what was *actually* bothering me, and listen in a way I hadn’t before. I didn’t get the result I originally wanted, but through the process I realized that those goals were wrong, and instead came back with a much deeper understanding of the situation, and a better relationship to boot.
~ Kathryn A, San Francisco
I was dreading a conversation with my sister that I knew I needed to have—we hadn’t spoken in more than a month. She was hurt, I was hurt—we both needed to be heard so badly that we couldn’t really listen to each other. When I called Newt I was feeling hopeless about finding a way to repair our relationship and rebuild kindness and trust.
Through a combination of empathy and role play, I found a place of emotional stability as well as a transformed way of looking at the situation. Best of all, I found understanding and compassion for both my sister and I; I no longer felt guilty and I no longer blamed her or saw her as being “wrong.”
The conversation with my sister went better than I ever thought possible and I have no doubt that it was due to the presence, compassion and empathetic insight Newt offered me. My sister and I now have dinner weekly and call each other during the week—our relationship is stronger than it’s been in years and continuing to get closer each day.
Since then, I have asked Newt for help in several situations—he is consistently open, honest, caring and insightful. He has my highest recommendation to anyone looking for a way to transform their relationship with themselves or others.
~ Nicci S, San Francisco
I was having difficulty resolving a conflict with a good friend/teacher/business partner. Communication between us was so loaded with feelings that neither of us could hear what the other wanted or had to say. Newt helped make sure we each understood what was said, at times having one of us repeat back what we heard – only to reveal how our emotions clouded what was really said. His presence, understanding, and demeanor really allowed both of us to sort out and make clear where we were stuck. Thank you Newt! – for saving a relationship!
~ John Gruenwald, San Francisco